"Low carbon trip" ------ hiking along the Haihe River for "health"


The theme of this event is "Hike along the Haihe River---Low-carbon Journey, Get Out of "Health" and "Health". The activity adheres to the principle of low carbon and environmental protection, reflects the company's concept of advocating happy work and happy life, and strengthens the awareness of teamwork. Then there is the way for employees to get a good way to relieve stress after busy work.

concrete floor grinder

Through this activity, not only physical exercise, but also around "low carbon environmental protection". This walking group building is divided into 4 groups by lottery. Starting from Hongze East Road, walking along the Haihe River to the Century Clock, the whole journey is about 7 kilometers. On the way, it is not only for the victory or defeat, but the most important It is to pick up the empty bottles that have not been thrown into the trash can along the way, and contribute to the creation of beautiful Tianjin! Here, I also hope that you can find suitable methods to relieve stress in your spare time at work, and combine work and rest. I hope everyone can work happily and spend every day happily~

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