Comforts People Interview|Linyi, Shandong Province, franchisee Gu Yanbin: Adult for themselves, become themselves to achieve others


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     No ornate rhetoric, full of sincerity between words. The conversation with Mr. Gu was short but powerful; direct but concise; simple but pure.

      At the end of the interview, when I was about to hang up the phone to express my gratitude, Mr. Gu said that I was also very grateful to Canforth, in fact, many brands had approached me for cooperation, especially this year, but I refused them all. My development is because of Canforth, and Canforth has given me a lot, so I'm very grateful, our relationship is to achieve each other and grow together.

Beginner in the flooring industry

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Before 2019, Mr. Gu was engaged in the outdoor industry, which is not related to flooring. 

2019 formally entered the flooring industry is a friend introduced, also because he is more interested in this line. As a newcomer in the industry, he didn't know anything when he first entered the industry, and he experienced a period of no customers and no business, when no one taught him and he relied on himself to ask more questions and think more.

      After entering the field of flooring, Mr. Gu said he mainly sold macadam, and the business of auxiliary supplies was not carried out, and it was only at the end of 2019 that he started to do the business of abrasive sheets. Because his business system was not yet complete, he also wanted to find a relatively large brand to cooperate with. At that time was introduced through acquaintances, contacted the Comfus, after the New Year area sales leader personally went to Linyi to find Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu said he still remembered that the focus of the initial conversation between the two was machinery and equipment. He was more concerned about two points, one was the brand and the second was the quality. However, after talking with the person in charge, he also dispelled his doubts and decided to join on the spot. Mr. Gu also remembered that the first purchase of the machine model is NX-GD630, when the reservation of two units, after giving the customer

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After the machines were sent out and used, the customers          gave feedback that the machines worked very well, which made Mr. Gu trust the quality of Canfus even more. Mr. Gu said that the customers who bought these two machines are still doing business with him, and they have been using Canfus machines, and we have really realized the idea of retaining customers with quality.

      At the end of 2020, out of the trust of the brand and the recognition of the development potential, Mr. Gu registered Shandong Canfus New Material Co. The brand influence of Canforth in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei market is also the reason why he made up his mind to register Shandong Canforth. He said he hopes to open up the local market through Canforth brand awareness and play the brand advantage to drive his development with the strong east wind of Canforth development.

Empowerment Development


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Mr. Gu said that during the three years of cooperation with Canforth, his business scale is slowly expanding and his performance is also steadily climbing. Canforth has been very supportive and will recommend me to suitable customers, and the regional protection is also very well done. And as the popularity of Canfus increases, my company is also known to more and more people, thanks to the help of Canfus.

     Looking at Mr. Gu's circle of friends, there are records of materials and accessories shipped to customers almost every day. Mr. Gu said that the quality of Comfortex, from the initial 300 to the current 600/601, and glaze sealer, is very good. In terms of after-sales service, I am also more satisfied, before our machine problems can only be solved by returning to the factory, not to mention the high cost and a long period of time. Now we have our own maintenance master, if we have any problem, we can directly deal with the person in charge of after-sales service, and they can give us guidance very quickly, and we can solve the problem by ourselves on the spot. As the after-sales service point of Comfortex Linyi, we can also provide home service to our customers, and the satisfaction of our customers is also very high.

      Mr. Gu talked about how he has gradually become friends during his long-term relationship with customers. He said, people first of all, my character recognition, followed by the quality of our products is also very recognized. I think this is the result of the accumulation of long-term word-of-mouth, people have a high evaluation of Comfos and trust in Comfos products.

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