Wrdihich gng method is better: dry grinding or winet grinding


Grinder grinding method

Hello, everyone in the family, recently I always receive advice, asking in the construction, dry grinding and wet grinding in the end which grinding method is better? Today we will talk about this issue with you further.

DryGrinding  Water grinding methodWater grinding method

Advantages of dry grinding:

1. Dry grinding high efficiency, in the process of grinding, in the late without worrying about dealing with mud problems, saving a lot of time.

2. Dry grinding for the construction of the overall control is stronger, easy to observe the ground situation, which will be largely avoided later rework phenomenon.

Disadvantages of dry grinding.

1. Dry grinding will produce some scratches on the ground

2. A large amount of dust will appear during the dry grinding process, which will have a certain impact on the health of the construction workers operating at the site.


   Water grinding method

Advantages of wet grinding:

1. Wet grinding choose a wider range of abrasive sheet, water abrasive sheet price will also be cheaper, the corresponding input costs will be lower

2. Wet grinding will make the ground easier to polish and less prone to scratches.

Disadvantages of wet grinding:

1. Wet grinding is not applicable to all ground, such as sandy ground, geological soft ground can not be wet grinding

2. The cable of the grinding machine is immersed in water during the grinding process, although the outside is protected by an insulation layer, there will still be certain safety risks.

Although it is important to earn money, but the price of life is higher! So everyone in the construction process must be based on the ground construction, choose the most suitable construction method to carry out, remember not to blindly follow the wind! Well, today's discussion is here, what else do you want to know about flooring knowledge, welcome to leave a message in the comments section below, later I will answer for you one by one ~

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